【讲座通知】昆士兰大学赌博十大软件Oluremi Ayoko将于11月28日来校举行两场讲座


       赌博十大软件邀请澳大利亚昆士兰大学赌博十大软件Oluremi Ayoko来我司做学术讲座,欢迎各位老师、同学参加。


        题目:Understanding diversity, cultural orientations, cultural intelligence and conflict management(多样性、文化取向、文化智力和冲突管理)


    报告人: Oluremi (Remi) Ayoko



    One of the major challenges facing organizations in the 21st century is the management of culturally heterogeneous workgroups especially those working in global environments. While the diversity literature suggests that diverse workgroups can be more innovative and creative and better problem solvers than homogeneous groups, it also acknowledges that diverse workgroups often suffer from poor cohesion and social integration which negatively affect group processes. One of the main causes of poor cohesion and social integration in the workgroup is conflict. The effect of conflict depends, in part, on the way it is managed by the parties concerned, and especially by the group leader. The literature on how leaders respond to conflict generated in culturally diverse workgroups and how these might impact group members’ task and social outcomes are just emerging. Similarly, our understanding of the role of cultural intelligence in the management of conflict involving employees from different cultural backgrounds is limited. The purpose of this presentation is to promote an awareness of the need for effective conflict management in culturally heterogeneous workgroups especially those working in global environments. In particular, this presentation will unpack three studies that examine conflict and conflict management in culturally heterogeneous workgroups.  Study 1, examines team members’ communicative strategies and behaviors employed to stimulate productive and destructive conflict. In Study 2, we examine the team members’ reactions to conflict and teams’ tasks and social outcomes as moderated by transformational and emotional leadership. Finally, in Study 3, we investigate the moderating role of cultural intelligence in the relationship between employees’ cultural orientations and conflict management styles.   



        题目:Research Method, Academic Writing and International Publication Process (研究方法,论文写作与国际期刊发表)


    报告人: Oluremi (Remi) Ayoko   



    The Business Environment has experienced greater turbulence in the last few decades. This turbulence and its related challenges imply that managers need a new set of knowledge and skills to manage in environments that are associated with escalated problems of mergers, acquisitions, restructuring, technological transfers and ethical dilemma. Managers therefore need a powerful information base to make effective business decisions in these complex and uncertain business environments. In this regard, Business Research provides managers with the information base, knowledge and skills they need to solve problems and make decisions while meeting the challenges arising from increasingly changing (global) environments. The purpose of this presentation is to examine the business research process (e.g. research design, methods, analysis, results and write up). The presentation will also explore academic writing and the process of international publication.



Oluremi (Remi) Ayoko个人简介


Oluremi (Remi) Ayoko is an Associate Professor of Management at the University of Queensland Business School. Remi has had extensive teaching experience in four tertiary institutions and across three nations. Her principal research interests include conflict management, emotions, leadership, diversity, team work, employee physical work environment and territoriality. The results of her cutting-edge research have been presented in several international (e.g. US Academy of Management, European Group for Organizational Studies & International Association of Conflict Management) and national conferences (e.g. Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management). Remi is an award-winning researcher and has published in reputable journals such as Journal of Organizational Behavior (JOB), Applied Psychology: An International Review (APIR), International Journal of Conflict Management (IJCM), and Small Group Research (SGR). She has also co-edited a Handbook of Conflict Management Research (Edward Edgar Publishers) and Organizational Behaviors and the Physical Environment (In Press, Routledge Publishers). Remi is an Associate Editor of the Journal of Management and Organization and on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Conflict Management and Negotiation and Conflict Management Research Journal. She is a recipient of many competitive research grants and has appeared on radio (national/international) and newspapers talking about workspace issues. Remi is a member of the Australian Human Resource Institute (AHRI), US Academy of Management, and International Association of Conflict Management.


Oluremi (Remi) Ayoko来自澳大利亚昆士兰大学赌博十大软件。Remi Ayoko曾在三个国家的四个高等教育院校从事教学,有着丰富的教学经验。她的主要研究领域包括冲突管理、情绪、领导、多样性、团队合作和员工物理工作环境和地域性。她的尖端研究的结果已经在几家国际(例如美国管理学会—AOM,组织研究的欧洲协会—EGOS &国际冲突管理协会—IACM)和国家级历届会议(例如澳大利亚和新西兰管理学会—ANZAM)中提到和引用。Remi Ayoko是一个屡获殊荣的研究者和已在管理学类顶级期刊上发表多篇论文,如《组织行为》(JOB)、《应用心理学:国际评论》(APIR)、《国际冲突管理杂志》(IJCM)和小群体研究(SGR)。她还合编《冲突管理研究》一书(由爱德华·埃德加出版商出版)和《组织行为与无力环境》(出版中,劳特利出版社)。Remi Ayoko是《管理与组织》杂志的副主编,也是《国际冲突管理》和《谈判和冲突管理研究》杂志的编辑委员会的成员。她获得了许多有竞争力的研究资助,经常被邀请在广播(国内/国际)和报纸等媒体上谈论关于工作空间的议题。Remi Ayoko是澳大利亚人力资源研究所(AHRI)、美国管理学会和国际冲突管理协会的重要成员。